Controlling Your Legacy

Estate Plan Getting Old? Why You Should Hire An Estate Planning Attorney To Review It

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If you have your estate planning all set up but it has been a few years since you have done this, then you should consider reviewing the estate plan. In order to do this, you should hire an estate planning attorney. Below are some reasons why this review is so important. Reasons To Update Estate Plan There are many reasons why you would need to review and update your estate plan, including the following: Read More»

Understanding Timing Issues and How They Affect Bankruptcy

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Bankruptcy is something you can use if you qualify for it and need relief from your debts, but it is not something you can use all the time. There are timing issues with it, which means that there are limits to how often you can file. Learn the reasons why these rules exist as well as details to help you understand when you can file again if you filed in the past at some point. Read More»

Heading Out On Your Motorcycle This Winter? How To Keep Yourself Safe

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Winter isn’t officially here yet, which means you still have some time to get another motorcycle ride under your belt. If you’ve decided to hit the road for one last adventure this year, be sure to take some precautions. Riding a motorcycle during fair weather is risky enough, especially when most motorists don’t pay attention to you. Before you head out on your motorcycle, take a look at the information provided below. Read More»

Lost Career Income And Your Personal Injury Damages

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An accident that causes injuries bad enough to put you in the hospital may deserve more than what the auto insurer is offering. If the other driver caused the wreck, it’s possible that more than just your car is damaged. While being paid for the wages you would have earned while recovering from an accident is undoubtedly possible, some people may have lost more than a few days or weeks of pay. Read More»

4 Mistakes That Can Cripple Your Workers' Compensation Efforts

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Workplace injuries can take all kinds of forms, from chronic soft tissue strain to an acute fracture or other serious event. Fortunately, almost all states require employers to provide workers’ compensation coverage. Less fortunately, many workers’ compensation claims don’t actually produce the financial support their applicants had hoped for. If you plan on making a workers’ compensation claim, you need to know that you’re doing all of the right things—and none of the wrong ones—to secure a satisfactory outcome. Read More»