Controlling Your Legacy

Income Available For Paying Child Support: What To Know

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Divorcing parents might as well view child support as one of those issues that are bound to pop up during divorce. In most cases, the financial affairs of a divorcing party are an inevitable part of not just child support but marital debts, spousal support, and the assets of the couple. To learn more about the financial side of child support during divorce, read on. Who Makes the Most Income? Read More»

Divorce and New Living Arrangements

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Divorce signals change in almost every aspect of a couple’s life. Therefore, when a couple’s relationship breaks up, they part ways. That parting of ways is not just theoretical, though. In most cases, one party will need to find new living arrangements with a divorce in the offing. It’s up to the couple to decide what happens to the family home with a divorce. As long as they agree, the judge will approve of any arrangements they make. Read More»

Top Signs Your Personal Injury Lawyer Is Well-Qualified To Help With Your Case

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You probably already know that you can benefit from hiring a personal injury lawyer to help you with your personal injury case. What you might not be sure of, though, is how you can really tell if you have found a well-prepared personal injury lawyer to help you out. Naturally, if you hire a better and more well-prepared lawyer to help with your case, you will probably have a better outcome. Read More»

You Can Sign A Waiver And Still Have A Medical Malpractice Claim

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Before any medical procedure, the hospital or medical facility at which the operation is being performed will typically ask the patient to sign a consent or waiver. In short, these forms typically serve as a release of liability for the physician, any member of the healthcare team, and the facility in the event the patient is injured. However, signing one of these forms does not mean that a patient does not have a pathway to medical malpractice. Read More»

How Your Corporation Can Be Dissolved Against Your Will

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In some cases, several directors can find themselves in intense battles over how to run the corporation. This may lead to the dispute finding its way to court. If you are unable to figure out how to come to a negotiated resolution, the corporate dissolution statute can be used to dissolve the corporation over the objections that one or more directors have brought to the court. If you are a director, you may need guidance from a corporate law firm. Read More»