Controlling Your Legacy

Executor Of An Estate? Two Signs That You'll Need A Probate Attorney

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If you’ve been listed as the executor of a deceased person’s estate, you have quite a job in front of you.  Depending on the size of the estate, you could be up for a task that requires quite a bit of time to fulfill.  Although the role may seem daunting, a probate attorney can be of tremendous assistance to you.  Use this information to learn more about the signs which point to the need for a probate attorney. Read More»

Can You Prove Emotional Distress from a Car Accident?

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Pain and suffering encompass more than just the physical injuries from a motor vehicle accident. It can also include the emotional distress that is caused by the incident. Proving how you have been emotionally impacted can be challenging. However, this is necessary if you want to maximize your settlement with the insurance company. Here are some ways you can prove the extent of your emotional distress.   Seek Professional Help Read More»

3 Reasons to Open a Trust Now

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Many people wonder if they should meet with an estate-planning attorney. They might think that they are young and healthy so there is no reason to see an attorney. However, even if you are young and healthy, you should still meet with an attorney to prepare for the worst and set up a trust. Here are some reasons why a trust fund is such a good idea while you are living and in the case that you should pass away. Read More»

Slip And Falls In Icy Conditions: When Do You Have A Case?

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You’ve slipped or fallen in some ice or snow. This has led to medical bills and loss of wages, and now you want to know if you can claim compensation for this. The question is – how do you know if you have a case? How Did the Accident Happen? Slipping in icy conditions is normal. You need to think about where the incident happened and if anybody should have had a duty of care to pedestrians. Read More»

What Are the Grounds for Challenging a Will?

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Processes involved in challenging a will can be difficult to go through. Wills are drawn up for the last wishes of the deceased party, and the court usually uses it as written, but some situations will allow for changes. What is done can depend on the mental status of the person when they made the will and many other elements. Here are some more important facts about grounds for challenging a will. Read More»